Tallow Soap Benefits Are Something To Talk About! May 23, 2023Jessica Mose There are so many tallow soap benefits from soothing your sensitive skin to creating a hard bar of long-lasting soap!
Why we create the products we do May 08, 2023Jessica Mose Throughout the week, I've been reflecting on why I create the products I do. Ultimately, the answer is simple: I CARE.
Foraging for Beginners Trailblazher Spring Magazine Article, What to Bring Foraging April 22, 2023Jessica Mose As featured in the Spring 2023 Trailblazer magazine... Foraging, also known as wildcrafting, is the act of gathering wild plants; a means of survival in the past. Today you can learn...
Garden Series - Part 3 Tending To Your Garden & Harvesting April 13, 2023Jessica Mose Part 3 in our Garden Series Blog where we share our experience with having a permaculture style garden in zone 3b central Alberta. This blog discusses tending to your garden...
Garden Series - Part 2 Prairie Seeding and Planting Methods April 13, 2023Jessica Mose Part 2 in our Garden Series Blog where we share our experience with having a permaculture style garden in zone 3b central Alberta. This blog discusses seed starting and planting...
Garden Series - Part 1 Planning Your Garden with Permaculture Practices, Permaculture Gardening For Beginners April 13, 2023Jessica Mose Part 1 in our Garden Series Blog where we share our experience with having a permaculture style garden in zone 3b central Alberta. This blog post explores planning a garden...
10 Questions For Jess April 05, 2023Jessica Mose An interview for Jess from another maker, Janine at Wheat & Wildflower Handmade.
Rural Woman Podcast Interview March 25, 2023Jessica Mose We were recently interviewed on "The Rural Woman Podcast" with Katelyn Duban where we talk about running our business, living rural and our love of the prairies.
How We Got Our Start March 01, 2023Jessica Mose2 comments Prairie Soap Shack's origin story and how our business has evolved over the past five years.
3 Ways How to Make a Natural Home February 02, 2023Jessica Mose My top three ways to have a natural home start with reading every label!
Winter Solstice Cookies December 23, 2022Jessica Mose We celebrated winter solstice this year by adapting an old family sugar cookie recipe to include spruce needle.
TrailblazHer Fall Magazine Article October 17, 2022Jessica Mose A look into our fall article titled "Leaning on our Sisters" for the magazine TrailblazHer.